Here at DogTorque our vision is to ensure that knowledge and experience shared within the agricultural/working dog community is not lost, can be made easily accessible to all and is retained for future generations.
Whilst we are passionate about working dogs of all breeds, to suit all jobs, we also support discussion involving anything farming or animal related that may be able to help our neighbouring mates.
Every individual is unique, requiring different types of dogs and traits for their particular requirements and/or environments, and therefore entitled to voice their opinions.
Please remember we learn everyday, and the day we stop learning from each other will be a sad day..
We are the nuts and bolts behind DogTorque.
After numerous discussions with people of various backgrounds and capabilities, we identified that we are at risk of loosing a lot of valuable knowledge and information, whether it be through other platforms when sites/groups were being shut down quite literally "at the click of a button", the passing of well respected stockwomen & stockmen, or even the evolution of new technology.
It's for these reasons we thought, what better way is there to contain all of this information in one place, and continuously add to it, then a podcast. So we put our heads together and bring to you - DogTorque.